Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) has highlighted severe human rights violations at Standard Group PLC, one of the oldest media houses in the region. This comes amidst nationwide discontent over the escalating cost of living.
For the past seven months, employees at Standard Group PLC have endured significant hardships due to unpaid salaries, despite the country’s challenging economic conditions.
The KUJ has raised these issues previously, but the situation has continued to deteriorate, with staff now facing the potential loss of their savings. The union is calling for immediate action from the company’s Board of Directors.
KUJ Secretary General, Eric Oduor, stated, “We are demanding an immediate response to the following issues. Failure to address these will result in a total shutdown of operations at Standard Group PLC within the next 14 days. We have already issued a 14-day strike notice to the Cabinet Secretary for Labour.”
Standard Group owes staff seven months of accumulated salary arrears and has shown no signs of clearing this debt. The KUJ demands the company devise an acceptable payment plan to settle the arrears, warning that staff will withdraw their labor if this is not addressed.
Many employees have faced depression due to the uncertainty surrounding the millions of shillings they invested in their Sacco. The company has ignored a directive from the Sacco Societies Regulatory (SASRA) to prioritize this debt. The KUJ demands a convincing payment plan to revive the Sacco within 14 days, failing which staff will both withdraw labor and initiate legal action to recover their funds.
The KUJ has reported that staff, already strained by lack of pay, are further burdened by capped medical claims. The union demands the restoration of the full medical scheme, condemning the company’s actions as insensitive and inhumane.
The company is reportedly using biometric data to enforce new reporting times, intimidating staff who cannot afford transportation to work. The KUJ insists that this practice be suspended immediately.