
Baidoa Youth Hub: From Agricultural Depot, Militia Hideaway And Khat Storage Site To Centre For Young Somalis

Baidoa Youth Hub: From Agricultural Depot, Militia Hideaway And Khat Storage Site To Centre For Young Somalis

The Baidoa Youth Hub is located at the end of Wakaladda Biyaha Street in the heart of Baidoa. At its main entrance, there is a constant stream of young Somalis passing through. Their easygoing energy and smiles match the fresh paint and well-maintained trees and buildings which house the Hub’s modern facilities. These include state-of-the-art technology training rooms, a well-stocked library, a football pitch, conference room and a cafeteria. The current state – and use – of the space is in stark contrast to the building’s chaotic past. “This establishment has faced numerous challenges before emerging as the Baidoa Youth…
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