ILAM fahari

ILAM Fahari I-REIT to Trade on NSE’s Unquoted Securities Platform

ILAM Fahari I-REIT to Trade on NSE’s Unquoted Securities Platform

ILAM Fahari Real Estate Investment Trust has today been admitted to the Unquoted Securities Platform (USP) of the Nairobi Securities Exchange Plc (NSE) following a comprehensive restructuring of the REIT. In February, ILAM received regulatory approval from the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) to delist the REIT from the Main Investment Market Segment (MIMS) of the NSE. This restructuring process involved converting from an unrestricted to a restricted I-REIT. Delisting from MIMS and trading over the counter on the USP will provide greater flexibility in managing the REIT's portfolio and will not affect the unitholders' ability to trade their units, with…
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